
Adventures of a mother of 7 – Johanna Gustafsson

Because it's there!

When 8 years old I learned about Mount Everest, and ever since I have dreamed about climbing up there. When I became middle-aged and sensible I thought that it's impossible.

2012 when I turned 50 I suddenly got this crazy idea to fulfill my childhood dream. Now, almost 2 years later, after studying, training, researching & finding solutions, it seems possible!

If things go well I will summit in May 2014, if things don't go well I will hopefully do it another year. If you want to follow me vie e-mail updates you can subscribe to them.

Here are some stories of this project in Finnish media:

Keski-Uusimaa newspaper interview 31.05.2013 "Seitsemän lapsen äiti aikoo valloittaa Mount Everestin"

Iltalehti newspaper interview 22.12.2013 "Johanna Gustafsson haluaa valloittaa Mount Everestin"

Leader blogi 03.03.2014 "Matkalla Mount Everestille"

Studio 55, MTV3 interview on morning TV 07.03.2014 "Vuorten Valloittaja"

Keski-Uusimaa interview 27.04.2014 "Perheenäidin matka kohti Mount Everestiä alkaa sunnuntaina"

Iltalehti video "Suomalainen seitsemän lapsen äiti yrittää maailman korkeimpaan kolkkaan"

Yle Fem, TV-interview with Bettina

Snowy Horizon:s page on the group "Snowy Satori Everest expedition Spring 2014"

Huomenta Suomi 23.4.2014 short interview

Other stories:

Nautic, sailing 17.04.2011 "Kilpaileminen pitää purjehtijaa otteessa (Johanna Gustafsson tähtää Olympialaisiin)"

Keski-Uusimaa, about sailing 10.10.2010 "Kuusikymppinenkin voi purjehtia maailman huipulle"

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Johanna Gustafsson – the Everest project